Mapping News

206 stories

Using drones to monitor wildlife in India

Male lions require dense vegetation for successful ambush hunting

Featured video: Saving the Amazon through maps

New forest map shows 6% of Amazon deforested between 2000 and 2010

3-D laser mapping shows elephants have big impact on trees

Global wetlands shrink 6% in 15 years

Google brings Street View, Maps to the Amazon (photos)

Guyanese tribe maps Connecticut-sized rainforest for land rights

Rainforests store 229 billion tons of carbon globally finds ‘wall-to-wall’ carbon map

Global map of REDD+ projects released

Community mapping of African rainforests could show way forward for preservation, REDD

New global carbon map for 2.5 billion ha of forests

Forest carbon map released for the US

Indigenous peoples of Congo map their forests with GPS in an effort to save them

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