Ecological beauty News

119 stories

Island shopping: Cambodian officials buy up the Cardamoms’ coast

Some hummingbird females display male coloring to avoid being harassed

Perfume coalition’s conservation-first approach: Q&A with Heather D’Angelo

Moon and Earth’s magnetic field guide European eels on their epic migration

Bats and viruses: Beating back a bad reputation

Charcoal and cattle ranching tearing apart the Gran Chaco

Footprints in the forest: The future of the Sumatran rhino

Over the bridge: The battle for the future of the Kinabatangan

Birds, butterflies, and flowers might be blander than expected in the tropics

Cunning carnivorous plants catch more prey by letting some go

Facebook, Twitter to carry 24 hours of live rainforest animal sightings on Monday

Mother of God: meet the 26 year old Indiana Jones of the Amazon, Paul Rosolie

Frog creates chemical invisibility cloak to confuse aggressive ants

‘Flying snakes’ achieve surprising lift through unique body shape

PHOTOS: Glowing fish – study finds widespread biofluorescence among fish

Wolves boost food for Yellowstone’s threatened grizzlies

Legislation leaves future of world’s largest temperate rainforest up in the air

Saving ‘Avatar Grove’: the battle to preserve old-growth forests in British Columbia

Exploring Asia’s lost world

Doing good and staying sane amidst the global environmental crisis

Earth Day to do list

Turkey’s rich biodiversity at risk

Photos of the day: a celebration of wetlands (for World Wetlands Day)

Photo of the day: super-abundance of life found in Amazon park

Small mammals use Borneo pitcher plant as toilet in exchange for nectar

Photos: pelicans covered in BP oil wins top wildlife photo prize

Sowing the seeds to save the Patagonian Sea

Last chance to see: the Amazon’s Xingu River

Distressed Place and Faded Grace in North Sulawesi

What does Nature give us? A special Earth Day article

From the Serengeti to Lake Natron: is the Tanzanian government aiming to destroy its wildlife and lands?

Goodbye national parks: when ‘eternal’ protected areas come under attack

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