Alexandre de Santi


Brazil Editor - English
Journalist since 1999, based in Brazil. Co-author of three books. Deputy Editor of The Intercept Brasil for four years, including the Vaza Jato period.

200 stories

The coveted legacy of the ‘Man of the Hole’ and his cultivated Amazon forest

Study links pesticides to child cancer deaths in Brazilian Amazon & Cerrado

Amazon drought: Much damage still to come (commentary)

Amazon recovery offers hope of big rewards but poses equally big challenges

People and nature suffer as historic drought fuels calamitous Amazon fires

Lula partially blocks anti-Indigenous land rights bill, but trouble isn’t over

New satellite readings show full extent of mining in the Amazon Rainforest

The Amazon’s archaeology of hope: Q&A with anthropologist Michael Heckenberger

Fishing ban extension raises hopes for iconic Amazon pink river dolphin

Brazil strikes intruders of Amazon’s most deforested Indigenous land

Cacao and cupuaçu emerge as Amazon’s bioeconomy showcases

Amazon drought cuts river traffic, leaves communities without water and supplies

Brazil Supreme Court quashes time frame proposal in win for Indigenous rights

EU bill and new green policies spur progress on Brazil’s cattle tracking

In Roraima, Indigenous communities forge sustainable solutions amid threats

‘We don’t have much time’: Q&A with climate scientist Pierre Friedlingstein

Brazil cap-and-trade carbon framework in sight, but agriculture gets a pass

In Brazil, rural communities are caught in the eye of the wind farm storm

A tale of two biomes as deforestation surges in Cerrado but wanes in Amazon

Tropical lakes are carbon super sinks, even more than forests, study shows

The deceptions of the Amazon Summit in Belém (commentary)

Amazon Summit nations agree on saving rainforest — but not on conservation goals

Brazilian authorities launch probe into ‘Amazon’s largest single deforester’

Amazon Summit sparks hope for coordinated efforts from the rainforest nations

Divided by mining: Vale’s new rail track fractures an Amazon Indigenous group

Sweet solution: Armadillo-friendly honey helps Brazil beekeepers, giant armadillos

Despite lawsuit, Casino Group still sells beef from Amazonian Indigenous territory

A standing Amazon Rainforest could create an $8 billion bioeconomy: Study

As one Brazilian state takes up carbon trading, others may fall for the ‘illusion’

No new mining operations on Yanomami land after raids and deaths

Despite billions tied to clean supply chains, China’s Cofco still turns to deforesters

Boosted with fresh donations, Amazon Fund reboots stalled projects

News and Inspiration from Nature's Frontline.

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