17 stories

Brazil’s new pro-agribusiness pesticide law threatens Amazon biodiversity

Goldman Prize honors Brazilian investigation linking JBS & deforestation

Fanned by El Niño, megafires in Brazil threaten Amazon’s preserved areas

Lula’s ambitious green agenda runs up against Congress’s agribusiness might

People and nature suffer as historic drought fuels calamitous Amazon fires

Amazon drought cuts river traffic, leaves communities without water and supplies

EU bill and new green policies spur progress on Brazil’s cattle tracking

Brazilian authorities launch probe into ‘Amazon’s largest single deforester’

Boosted with fresh donations, Amazon Fund reboots stalled projects

The counterstrike: Brazilian Congress moves to block Lula’s environmental agenda

Logging permit threatens Quilombola bioeconomic ‘paradise’ in the Amazon

Yanomami crisis sparks action against illegal gold in the Amazon

From deforestation to restoration: Policy plots path to Amazon recovery

Report offers a road map to restore the rule of law in the Brazilian Amazon

Bolsonaro loses election but finds big support in Amazon Arc of Deforestation

European bill passes to ban imports of deforestation-linked commodities

Raids reveal how illegal gold from Indigenous lands gets laundered in Brazil

News and Inspiration from Nature's Frontline.

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