Blueberry poison arrow frog

Blueberry poison arrow frog (Dendrobates pumilio) in Bocas de Toro, Panama. Photo by Rhett A. Butler, 2007. This is just one of many color forms for Dendrobates pumilio. More commonly,…

Strange plants of Mt. Kenya

Senecio keniodendron, endemic to Mount Kenya. Giant Rosette Plant (Lobelia keniensis). ?. Lobelia telekii. Senecio plant. Senecio keniodendron, endemic to Mount Kenya. Lobelia keniensis. Photos by Rhett A. Butler, 2007.…

Savior of endangered crocodiles dies of malaria

Crocodile-expert and conservationist, Dr. John Thorbjarnarson, died of falciparum malaria in India on February 14th at the age of fifty-two. While many conservationists work with publicly popular animals like tigers…

Jungle cave

Entrance to St. Herman's Cave in Belize. Photo by Rhett A. Butler 2008.
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