How to end Madagascar’s logging crisis

In the aftermath of a military coup last March, Madagascar's rainforests have been pillaged for precious hardwoods, including rosewood and ebony. Tens of thousands of hectares have been affected, including…

El Zoológico del Bronx exibe ranas extintas

El Zoológico del Bronx ha puesto en exhibición los más inusitados batracios: El sapo rociador Kihansi. En primera instancia, este sapo sobrevivió en el desfiladero Kihansi de Tanzania, adaptándose a…

African Wild Dog in the Serengeti

African Wild Dog in the Serengeti. Photo by Uwe Skrzypczak. Wildlife photographer Uwe Skrzypczak sent photos of wild dogs (also known as painted dogs from the field. The shots are…

India to track every tiger death on-line

Due to increased problems with poaching, the conservation organization TRAFFIC has joined with the National Tiger Conservation Authority (NTCA) to begin tracking every tiger mortality in India with a new…

Certified palm oil sales accelerate

For the first time, sales of certified sustainable palm oil have nearly met production, reports the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO), a group that has developed the leading environmental…