Amazon beef producer creates eco-certified meat product with help of scientists
Amazon beef producer creates eco-certified meat product with help of scientists
June 8, 2008
Independencia Alimentos SA, Brazil’s fifth-largest beef producer, will create an “eco-certified”, branded beef product from the Amazon’s Xingu region.
Certification will be based on criteria established by Aliança da Terra, an Brazilian NGO that seeks to improve the environmental performance of ranchers and beef producers in the world’s largest rainforest. The new beef product will include a per-kilo “ecosystem service fee” — calculated with the help of scientists at the Woods Hole Research Center — to facilitate a financial reward for the producer’s environmental stewardship.
“This brand will distinguish good land stewards from those who are simply tearing down the Amazon rainforest without regard for the environmental impact,” said John Cain Carter, founder and president of Aliança da Terra. “Independencia is actively marketing the idea in Europe and, if successful, will be a landmark product for the Amazon.”
Carter argues that the only way to slow deforestation in the Amazon — increasingly linked to beef and grain prices — is to offer producers financial incentives for environmental performance. In a region where laws are irregularly enforced, archaic land titling and rampant corruption, Aliança da Terra is pioneering a way to recognize land owners who do follow environmental regulations, including leaving at least half their land forested, protecting riparian zones, reducing erosion by restricting livestock from waterways, and eliminating the use of fire.
“We want market recognition for shouldering this conservation burden,” Carter told “Where else in the world do you have landowners who have to keep 50 percent of their land forest? Nowhere. As it is right now there’s nothing to keep forest standing because the law doesn’t catch you in time and you can always bribe your way out of it if you do get caught.”
“We’re trying to turn this forest reserve law from a negative into a positive,” he explained. “People think farmers in the Amazon are bandits so we’re trying to show there are good people who are trying to make a difference and reduce their impact… We’re turning the system on its head, adding transparency and credibility to turn it into a worldwide example of good land stewardship. Producers will be rewarded through market acceptance for taking the extra steps to do the right thing. They’ll be able to take their product to McDonalds, Burger King, and other firms worried about reputations. All the big multinationals want credibility these days in regards to the environment and sustainability.”
“We offer consumers confidence instilled by the involvement of impeccable organizations,” he continued. “We have some of the top naturalists and environmental scientists in the Amazon involved with this.”
Clearing for cattle pasture is the largest driver of deforestation in the Amazon, accounting for more than two-thirds of annual forest clearing in some years. Traditionally such land has been used for low intensity grazing, primarily as a vehicle for speculating on appreciating land prices, but this is changing. The recent influx of capital, combined with the eradication of foot-and-mouth disease and improved infrastructure, has lead to the emergence of intensive operations with six to eight times the number of cattle per hectare.
Influence of live cattle prices (CPI-adjusted, 12-month moving average) on deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon. While nearly two-thirds of Amazon clearing can be attributed to conversion for cattle pasture, deforestation in the states of Mato Grosso and Para has shown a only a slight correlation to cattle prices in recent years. This could be due, in part, to the use of cattle pasture for land speculation (land prices are rising faster than the value of cattle) and as a hedge against inflation and currency fluctuation. All figures in hectares (2.47 acres).
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