Governance News

2859 stories

As Gálapagos ecotourism booms, top naturalist guide urges sustainability

Brazil’s ‘innovative’ reforestation agenda discussed in Davos (commentary)

Probe details the playbook of one of Amazon’s top land grabbers

Plans for bauxite mine in Suriname reignite Indigenous land rights debate

Mining in a forest conservation site clouds Republic of Congo’s carbon credit scheme

World’s record heat is worsening air pollution and health in Global South

For Ugandan farmers, good fences make good neighbors — of elephants

‘You have to be passionate’: Interview with Turtle Survival Alliance’s Hery Razafimamonjiraibe

It’s time for a U.N. ‘universal declaration on nature’ (commentary)

After a searing Amazon fire season, experts warn of more in 2025

We need a North Pole Marine Reserve to secure a healthy future for Arctic waters (commentary)

How the U.S. got no old growth forest protections from the Biden Administration (commentary)

Amazon communities reap the smallest share of bioeconomy profits

New evidence spells massive trouble for world’s sharks, rays and chimaeras

The Amazon in 2025: Challenges and hopes as the rainforest takes center stage

In DRC bid to grow more food, smallholders are overshadowed by industrial farming

Tortoise protection culture prompts efforts to curb trafficking in Madagascar

IPBES report highlights Indigenous & local knowledge as key to ‘transformative change’

How the Sahel junta is responding to climate change amid political isolation

Massive tortoise rewilding in Madagascar’s spiny forest strives to save fraught species

New campaign seeks swifter justice for slain South African wildlife ranger

Internet crackdown shrinks already constrained room for activism in Vietnam

River dredging in Bangladesh: Investigation shows government claims don’t add up

The year in tropical rainforests: 2024

Brazil’s big push for tropical forest funding gets support for 2025 debut

Brazil’s illegal gold miners carve out new Amazon hotspots in conservation units

South Korea slashes forest biomass energy subsidies in major policy reform

In the Philippines, persecuted Lumads push for Indigenous schools to be reopened

Next-gen geothermal offers circular promise, but needs care and caution

Shipbreaking pollutes Türkiye’s coast despite European cleanup efforts

Brazil paper and pulp industry invests in blockchain to comply with EUDR

Illegal timber from Amazon carbon credit projects reached Europe, U.S.

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