Soy News

435 stories

A cattle ranch is the unlikely scene for saving a fox found only in Brazil

Brazilian soy farms and cattle pastures close in on a land where the grass is golden

Sea change for soy champion Brazil as it wrestles with EUDR compliance

Even for ‘progressive’ Danone, complying with EUDR is a challenge

Fires rip through Indigenous territories in Brazilian Amazon

Communities band together to save besieged reserve in Bolivia

Is the delay of Europe’s deforestation regulation a cause for regret, or an opportunity? (commentary)

Study shows most Amazon beef & soy demand comes from Brazil — not exports

Biden Administration mistakenly seeks delay of EU’s new deforestation regulation (commentary)

Let’s reduce poverty & deforestation via greater EUDR traceability requirements (commentary)

In Brazil’s Cerrado, aquifers are losing more water than they can replace

Collective effort monitors Amazon wildlife in heavily logged Brazil state

Indonesian palm oil, Brazilian beef top contributors to U.S. deforestation exposure

EU law to reduce deforestation is on a knife’s edge, will leaders act? (commentary)

Brazil’s Cerrado is main beneficiary of 2021 pledge to end deforestation

Deforestation from soy shows no sign of stopping in Cerrado, report says

Ten years since anti-deforestation pledge, corporate world still not doing enough

In Brazil’s soy belt, community seed banks offer hope for the Amazon

Major soy producers announce improved deforestation commitments—with caveats

Cargill widens its deforestation-free goals, but critics say it’s not enough

Study links pesticides to child cancer deaths in Brazilian Amazon & Cerrado

‘We just want to be left in peace’: In Brazil’s Amazon, soy ambitions loom over Indigenous land

Agro giant Cargill tied to deforestation in Bolivia’s Chiquitano forest

How the Amazon’s ‘greatest devastator’ sold cattle to a Carrefour supplier 

What can the U.K. do to fight its dependence on soy?

Despite billions tied to clean supply chains, China’s Cofco still turns to deforesters

Soy: The agro-industry that devastates the Maya jungle

Can the EU’s deforestation law save Argentina’s Gran Chaco from soy?

Indigenous communities in Argentina’s Chaco fear another heavy fire season in 2023

‘They have conned us out of our lands’: Conflict brews in Peru as Mennonite settlers clear forest

Expansion of Mennonite farmland in Bolivia encroaches on Indigenous land

Indigenous communities and Mennonite colonies clash in Colombia

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