Sea ice News

184 stories

Arctic sea ice reached fourth lowest extent on record this summer

Arctic countries prohibit commercial fishing in North Pole

The great Arctic decline: another sea ice record broken

Arctic upheaval: new book outlines challenges at the top of the world

The only solution for polar bears: ‘stop the rise in CO2 and other greenhouse gases’

Throng of 35,000 walruses is largest ever recorded on land, sign of warming arctic

‘We will win this war’: Yeb Saño speaks out on global warming

From seals to starfish: polar bears radically shift diet as habitat melts

Apocalypse now? Climate change already damaging agriculture, acidifying seas, and worsening extreme weather

Amazing discovery in Antarctica: sea anemones found living upside down under ice (photos)

Underestimating global warming: gaps in Arctic temperature data lead scientists and public astray

‘Heading towards an ice-free Arctic’: sea ice extent hits sixth lowest on record

Climate change killing harp seal pups

Arctic melt to cost trillions

Featured video: How climate change is messing with the jetstream

At top of the world, activists say exploiting Arctic is ‘utter madness’

Extreme cold linked to climate change, say scientists

Global warming to open new Arctic sea lanes

Arctic sea ice volume plunges over a third in less than 10 years

Reduction in snow threatens Arctic seals

Picture of the day: Shell drilling rig within view of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge

Arctic sea ice is ‘toast’ as old record shattered

Sea ice falls to record low with over two weeks of melting left

Arctic sea ice approaches another record melt

NASA image shows Northwest Passage open

Humpback whales delaying migration due to Antarctic changes

Massive algae bloom in Arctic like “finding the Amazon rainforest in the Mojave Desert”

Obama Administration, Shell moving ahead with Arctic oil exploitation

NASA image shows decline in maximum sea ice extent

The Cryosphere-Princeton primers in climate: A Book Review

Seals, birds, and alpine plants suffer under climate change

Another record breaker: 2011 warmest La Niña year ever

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