Netherlands News

35 stories

We need a better understanding of how crops fare under solar panels, study shows

Ecologists help migratory birds adapt to climate change

The Dutch farmers’ protests of 2022: A Mongabay Series

Study finds old pear trees make for surprisingly rich reef habitats

In the clash over Dutch farming, Europe’s future arrives

In the Netherlands, pitchforks fly for an empire of cows

How manure blew up the Netherlands

Bringing the ocean’s vast ‘awesomeness’ to light: Q&A with Farah Obaidullah

Sea level rise looms, even for the best-prepared country on Earth

For Dutch farming crisis, agroforestry offers solutions: Q&A with Lennart Fuchs & Marc Buiter

The Netherlands to stop paying subsidies to ‘untruthful’ biomass firms

Meet the 2022 Goldman Environmental Prize Winners

Sloth, giant armadillo, and fishing cat conservationists win Future for Nature Award 2022

COP26: Are climate declarations and emission reduction pledges legally binding?

Dutch to limit forest biomass subsidies, possibly signaling EU sea change

Are forests the new coal? Global alarm sounds as biomass burning surges

‘Tainted timber’ from Myanmar widely used in yachts seized in the Netherlands

Seeking justice against palm oil firms, victims call out banks behind them

The Great Insect Dying: How to save insects and ourselves

Dutch banks’ customers ‘unknowingly’ profit from palm oil companies

As climate change takes its toll, world leaders call for adaptation

Better than bottled: How a Dutch company uses bison to maintain pure drinking water

Major Dutch timber company found guilty of dealing in illegal teak

Public hearing concludes Vietnam fails to crack down on wildlife trafficking

Progress being made in curbing illegal timber imports

‘Stop using the bloody things’: pesticides linked to bee collapse now blamed for bird declines

Lab-grown meat: a taste of the future?

31 activists arrested attempting to stop Arctic oil from docking in Europe

Aiming to avoid deforestation, Unilever to trace all palm oil it sources

Europe importing more palm oil for biofuels, raising risks for rainforests

New illegal logging ban in EU could sever all ties with companies working in DRC

Malaysian sustainable timber certification fails Dutch standards

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