Gps tracking News

35 stories

Mini radio tags help track ‘murder hornets’ and other invasive insects

New trackers bring prairie dogs’ little-known underground life to light

Conservationists look to defy gloomy outlook for Borneo’s sun bears

Wildlife management platform EarthRanger goes mobile with new app

Roads, human activity take a toll on red pandas: Q&A with researcher Damber Bista

Fishy business of squid vessels needs stronger regulation, study says

For tigers in Nepal, highways are a giant roadblock best avoided

‘Studying a ghost’: In Cape Town, urban caracals give researchers lots to ponder

Tech revolution holds world of promise for conservation, but challenges persist

Tracking white-bellied pangolins in Nigeria, the new global trafficking hub

For Atlantic sea turtles, Sargasso Sea is home during the ‘lost years’

Whale zone ahead: A cetacean speed trap tags ships going over the limit

The turtle egg that pinged back: Tracing a poaching pathway in Costa Rica

New evidence suggests China’s ‘dark’ vessels poached in Galápagos waters

Sea turtles often lose their way, but always reach their destination

For tiger moms, the work-life balance struggle is real, study finds

Protected areas best conserve mammalian diversity when connected with corridors, biologged weasels show

On Peru’s border, the Tikuna tribe takes on illegal coca growers

‘Landscape of fearlessness’: bushbuck emboldened following top-predator decline in Mozambique

Satellite trackers help fight vultures’ extinction in southern Africa

For the birds: Innovations enable tracking of even small flying animals

In pursuit of the rare bird that vanishes for half the year

Filling in the gaps: Managing endangered species on the high seas

Stay or go? Understanding a partial seasonal elephant migration

Tracking elephant movements reveals transboundary wildlife corridors

An anti-poaching technology for elephants that is always listening

Videos: spectacled bear’s home in the dry forests of Peru revealed

In pursuit of traceability, palm oil giant tests GPS-based solution

Borneo’s elephants prefer degraded forests, a new study finds

Where one predator meets another: tracking sharks and fishing effort

Location, location, location goes high-tech: Facts and FAQs about satellite-based wildlife tracking

Field Notes: Finding Jacobo; an Andean cat captivates conservationists

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