142 stories

Successful Thai community-based hornbill conservation faces uncertain future

‘Senseless’ U.S. trinket trade threatens distinctive Asian bat, study shows

Agroforestry offers Thai rubber farmers a pathway to profit and sustainability

Shark fin consumption wanes in Thailand, yet demand persists, report shows

In choice of mangroves or livelihood, Vietnam shrimp farmers choose the latter

Thai plan to redraw boundaries of tiger reserve sparks concern and criticism

Thai tiger numbers swell as prey populations stabilize in western forests

Madagascar lemurs, tortoises seized in Thai bust reveal reach of wildlife trafficking

Beekeeping helps villagers tend coastal forests in Thai mangrove hotspot

Beekeeping for Mangrove Conservation in Thailand

Thai plan to relax fishing law stokes fear of return to illegal catches, worker abuse

Will the Mekong and Salween pay the price of China’s energy transition?

Banks backing Mekong hydropower failing on due diligence, report reveals

New database unveils the role of Asian hornbills as forest seed dispersers

Rights groups call for greater public input in ASEAN environmental rights framework

Mangrove forestry only sustainable when conservation zones respected: Study

Borneo and Sumatra megaprojects are carving up clouded leopard forests

Unseen and unregulated: ‘Ghost’ roads carve up Asia-Pacific tropical forests

Island-building and overfishing wreak destruction of South China Sea reefs

Spotted softshell turtle release boosts reptile conservation in Vietnam

Study identifies species with a long history but short future amid threats

Irrawaddy dolphin death in Thailand’s Songkhla Lake underscores conservation needs

Skywalker gibbons confirmed in Myanmar for the first time

Hydropower in doubt as climate impacts Mekong Basin water availability

Risks to Myanmar’s last saltwater crocs point to coastal conservation needs

Cornell receives $35m gift for research at nexus of wildlife and health

Forest diversity is key to Southeast Asia’s climate adaptability, study shows

DNA probe uncovers threatened shark species in Thailand’s markets

Civil-backed proposal seeks to address root causes of Thailand’s choking haze

[Photos] New book is a stunning glimpse of Asia’s wildlife and landscapes

Camera-traps help identify conservation needs of Thailand’s coastal otters

Shrinking civil space and persistent logging: 2023 in review in Southeast Asia

News and Inspiration from Nature's Frontline.

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