Fossils News

153 stories

Scientists discover giant species of crocodile; luckily it is extinct

Pictures: Scientists discover carnivorous pygmy dinosaur

Extinct giant stork towered over ‘hobbits’ on Flores

Pictures: Giant prehistoric penguin discovered

2 new dinosaur species, including 15-horned beast, discovered in Utah

Dwarf dinosaur confirmed: the horse-sized sauropod of Transylvania

Prehistoric snake gobbled-up dinosaur babies

Polar bears are newcomers on the world stage

New study: overhunting by humans killed off Australia’s megafauna

Extinct goat was “similar to crocodiles”

Arctic lake undergoing unprecedented changes due to warming

Historical deforestation in Madagascar may not be as bad as commonly believed

Extinction debt can last millions of years

Age of the Amazon River estimated at 11 million years

Permian mass extinction caused by giant volcanic eruption

48 ‘new’ species of dinosaur discovered

Monstrous prehistoric snake provides glimpse of warmer tropical forests

World’s largest snake discovered: prehistoric serpent was twice the size of an anaconda

Did cheetah come from China?

Missing link between fish and land animals discovered

Past climate change drove mass extinction in Pakistan

Researchers devise new comparison of mass extinction events

Humans – not climate – drove extinction of giant Tasmanian animals

Humans, and global warming, responsible for extinction of mammoths

10-pound ‘Giant Frog From Hell’ discovered in Madagascar

New duck-billed dinosaur discovered in Mexico

Two strange carnivorous dinosaurs discovered in the Sahara

Mini-pterodactyl discovered in China

Global warming to increase insect attacks on plants

Recovery from worst mass extinction took 30M years

2,000 pound rodent discovered

Despite Arctic crocodiles, glaciers existed during extreme global warming 90M years ago

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