Food security News

306 stories

Can we control marine invaders by eating them?

For Dutch farming crisis, agroforestry offers solutions: Q&A with Lennart Fuchs & Marc Buiter

Is it safe to eat? Bangladesh fish exposed to hormones, antibiotics and toxic waste

Agroecology is a poverty solution in Haiti (commentary)

‘During droughts, pivot to agroecology’: Q&A with soil expert at the World Agroforestry Centre

Herders turn to fishing in the desert amid severe drought, putting pressure on fish population

On Lombok, rising sea levels force fishers into different jobs

Trees with edible leaves can boost human nutrition: New book, free download

Sustainable fish farming & agroecology buoy Kenyan communities

Pollinator declines linked to half million early human deaths annually: Study

Weakening of agrarian reform program increases violence against settlers in Brazilian Amazon

Degraded soil threatens to exacerbate Bangladesh food crisis

Restoring Hong Kong’s oyster reefs, one abandoned oyster farm at a time

From bombs to seasonal closure, Indonesian fishers move toward sustainability

To cut emissions from cattle ranching, beef up the soil, study says

In Brazil’s agricultural heartland, rivers run dry as monoculture advances

In Bangladesh, popular eggplant comes with a side of lead. And cadmium

Breaking free from photosynthesis: Will high-tech foods save nature?

Agroecology can feed Africa and tackle climate change — with enough funding

Fished out at sea and smoked out on land, Senegal fishers take on a fishmeal factory

Sulawesi islanders grieve land lost to nickel mine

Lebanese research preserves heat-adapted seeds to feed a warming world

Seaweed an increasingly fragile lifeline for Philippine farmers

In Bali, snakefruit farmers hope agroforestry bears fruit as island reopens

Lack of finance prevents Bangladesh farmers from diversifying their rice crops

In Indonesian Papua, a one-time gun trafficker now preaches permaculture

Healthy mangroves build a resilient community in the Philippines’ Palawan

Urban farming in Indonesia addresses food needs and climate crisis

Encircled by plantations, a Sumatran Indigenous community abides changing times

Regenerative agriculture in Mexico boosts yields while restoring nature

Drawing the wrong lessons from Sri Lanka’s organic farming experience (commentary)

Lack of timely rains, fertilizer hits rice farmers in Nepal’s granary

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