8 stories

Small coffee farmers lay their chips on smart agriculture to overcome climate crisis in the Cerrado biome

‘People don’t know the Yanomami’: Q&A with filmmakers Davi Kopenawa & Luiz Bolognesi

‘Stampede’ of legislation threatens accelerated destruction of the Amazon

In Project Amazônia 2.0, communities and technology team up for nature

‘We are part of the solution and the problem’: Q&A with author Torkjell Leira

In famed Chico Mendes reserve, Brazil nut harvesters fight to save the forest

Making a thriller out of Belo Monte hydro dam: Q&A with filmmaker Sabrina McCormick

Use it, don’t lose it: Q&A with Amazon eco scientist Marcelino Guedes

News and Inspiration from Nature's Frontline.

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