Food security News

305 stories

A Mekong island too tiny for industrial farming now points to Vietnam’s future

In Brazil’s Caatinga, adapted agroforests are producing food from dry lands

Indigenous Gurung farmers revive climate-resilient millet in Nepal

Causeway threatens mangroves that Philippine fishers planted as typhoon shield

In Laos, forest loss and carbon emissions escalate as agriculture intensifies

Kenyan pastoralists fight for a future adapted to climate change (commentary)

Amazon women create sweet business success with wild, vitamin-C packed fruit

Dam-building on Mekong poses risk to regional industries, report says

Amid socioeconomic slump, new sugar cane varieties offer hope in Sri Lanka

Battling desertification: Bringing soil back to life in semiarid Spain

Kenya’s Lake Victoria floods leave orphaned children to run their households

Seaweed: The untapped economic potential for Bangladesh

Indonesian village forms coast guard to protect octopus in Mentawai Islands

Salinity hinders Bangladesh agriculture; groups respond with seeds & information

In São Paulo’s cityscape, community gardens prompt a new food paradigm

Agroecology holds promise in Congo Basin — if funding woes can be overcome

For the oceans, global community must fund Sustainable Development Goal 14 (commentary)

Indigenous peoples undersupported on frontline of hotter, drier, fiery world

Is the genetically modified, nutrient-rich Golden Rice as safe as promised?

DRC food sovereignty summit yields support for agroecology, local land rights

Court order fails to stop poison fishing in Bangladesh Sundarbans

Wild mushroom harvest helps keep trees standing in Mozambique

Transgenics contaminate a third of Brazil’s traditional corn in semiarid region

Agroecology alliance calls for more food at less cost to nature in Congo Basin

Bali rice experiment cuts greenhouse gas emissions and increases yields

In Philippines, climate change tests Indigenous farming like never before

The endless struggle to clean up Rio de Janeiro’s highly polluted Guanabara Bay

Morocco rolls out a phosphorous-fueled plan to heal soils across Africa

Philippines’ largest freshwater wetland and Indigenous livelihoods face multiple threats

Vietnamese rice farmers go high-tech to anticipate a low-water future

Agroecology schools help communities restore degraded land in Guatemala

Breadfruit: A starchy, delicious climate and biodiversity solution

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