Food security News

305 stories

Restoring Indigenous aquaculture heals both ecosystems and communities in Hawai‘i

For drought relief, Cordilleran women in the Philippines rely on seed saving

To renew or not to renew? African nations reconsider EU fishing deals

Twilight zone fishing: Can we fish the ocean’s mesopelagic layer?

On a Borneo mountainside, Indigenous Dayak women hold fire and defend forest

Bangladeshi farmers find zucchini’s high yields & low costs palatable

Plastic pollution talks end & Arctic peoples return home to a ‘sink’ of plastic

In largest ever study, Indigenous and local communities report the impacts of climate change

In highly urbanized Japan, city farmers are key to achieving organic goal

Florida growers eye agroecology solution to devastating citrus disease

Lebanese youths take up rods and reels to learn sustainable fishing

New U.S. agroforestry project will pay farmers to expand ‘climate-smart’ acres

‘Planting water, eating Caatinga & irrigating with the sun’: Interview with agroecologist Tião Alves

Oman’s mountain oases offer ancient farming lessons for a warming future

Brazilian youngsters discuss how they are tackling the climate emergency

Climate change brews trouble for tea industry, but circular solutions await

Java rice farmers suffer crop failure as copper mine pollutes local irrigation

Report calls for agroecological rethink of Africa’s food amid $61b industrial plan

Breadfruit’s low carbon storage could be offset by fast growth, study finds

Norwegian salmon farms gobble up fish that could feed millions in Africa: Report

Harsh dry season sours harvest prospects for Java coffee farmers

Hydropower in doubt as climate impacts Mekong Basin water availability

Climate change, extreme weather & conflict exacerbate global food crisis

Indigenous Zenú turn to ancestral seeds, agroecology to climate-proof their farming

In Bangladesh, sunflower grows where other crops don’t amid increasing salinity

Caribbean traditional plant knowledge needs recognition or it’s lost: Study

Report: Human tragedy stalks the prized Honduran lobster industry

Maluku farmers sweat El Niño drought as Indonesia rice prices surge

Kenyan villagers show how to harvest more octopus by fishing less

Bangladeshi farmers eye moringa as a climate and economic solution

Indigenous effort in Bangladesh helps reverse endangered fish’s slide to extinction

Prevention is best defense against Bangladesh crop diseases, researchers say

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