Ethanol News

110 stories

A liquid biofuels primer: Carbon-cutting hopes vs. real-world impacts

Sugarcane threatens Amazon forest and world climate; Brazilian ethanol is not clean (commentary)

In surprise move, Brazil has removed restrictions on Amazon sugarcane production

NOAA announces largest-ever Gulf of Mexico ‘dead zone’

Amid epic drought, villagers bitter over Zimbabwean ethanol plant

Turning prairies into gas: study finds U.S. biofuel production has big impacts on grasslands

Brazil should convert pasture, not cerrado for biofuel crops

Commodity eco-certification skyrockets, but standards slip

Brazil may lift ban on Amazon ethanol expansion

Sugarcane production impacting local climate in Brazil

E.U. may eliminate subsidies for crop-based biofuels

Emissions from palm oil biodiesel highest of major biofuels, says EU

Palm oil does not meet U.S. renewable fuels standard, rules EPA

Expanding ethanol threatens last remnants of Atlantic Forest

Record dead zone projected due to Midwest floods

Sugar cane cools climate when it replaces cattle pasture

Prairie grass-based biofuels could meet half current fuel demand without affecting forests, food

Attempt to reduce ethanol subsidies blocked by corn-belt senators

UK failing to meet biofuel sustainability standard

US subsidies of oil and coal more than double the subsidies of renewable energy

Brazil may ban sugarcane plantations from the Amazon, Pantanal

Environmental disappointments under Obama

Will hydrocarbon biofuels replace gasoline and ethanol?

Smart biofuels that don’t hurt people or the environment are possible

Bill Clinton speaks out for rainforests in Brazil

Bioelectricity bests ethanol on two fronts: land use and global warming

80% of agricultural expansion since 1980 came at expense of forests

Cellulosic ethanol healthier, better for the environment, than corn ethanol

Corn expansion is hurting ladybugs

Biodiversity of rainforests should not be compared with oil palm plantations says palm oil council chief

First RSPO-certified (“eco-friendly”) palm oil shipment to arrive in Europe

EU’s sustainable biofuels push angers Malaysia, Brazil

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