Ethanol News

110 stories

World fertilizer prices surge 200% in 2007, hurting the poor

UN: biofuels are starving the poor by driving up food prices

Bloomberg: global warming “just as lethal” as terrorism

Biofuels are worsening global warming

Sustainability mandated for biofuels used in the EU

U.S. biofuels policy drives deforestation in Indonesia, the Amazon

Cellulosic ethanol production could fight Gulf Dead Zone, help fisheries

E.U. may ban palm oil biodiesel

Indonesia seeks to cut fuel subsidies via biofuels

Switchgrass a better biofuel source than corn

Leading biofuels wreak environmental havoc

U.S. corn subsidies drive Amazon destruction

Is the oil-palm industry using global warming to mislead the public?

Termites may produce cleaner biofuels

Oil palm does not store more carbon than forests

Guidelines to ensure biofuels production won’t hurt the environment

Monkey mothers use “baby talk” too

With Corn ethanol more costly than oil, is Jatropha a better biofuel?

Biofuels driving destruction of Brazilian cerrado

conservation more effective than biofuels for fighting global warming

Economics of next generation biofuels

Corn ethanol is not the solution to energy independence

US says Brazilian ethanol doesn’t increase food prices, destroy Amazon rainforest

Miscanthus bests switchgrass as biofuel source

$100 billion invested in renewable energy in 2006

Globalization could save the Amazon rainforest

High corn price mean pigs eat candy bars, french fries

U.S. ethanol may drive Amazon deforestation

Biofuels displace indigenous people

UN warns on dangers of bioenergy

Ethanol may be greener but have higher health cost

Biofuels demand will increase, not decrease, world food supplies

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