Conservation solutions News

661 stories

Indigenous peoples and communities drive climate finance reform

New standard brings best practices to bear in Nepal’s red panda conservation

What can Half or Whole Earth conservation strategies do for orangutans?

Illegal bottom trawling widespread inside Mediterranean marine protected areas

Rat killers in paradise: An eradication program remakes a tropical atoll

Tribe and partners light up a forest to restore landscape in California

Growing soy on cattle pasture can eliminate Amazon deforestation in Brazil

Small island, big ocean: Niue makes its entire EEZ a marine park

American agroforestry accelerates with new funding announcements

To save threatened Amazon primates in Brazil, turn them into the main attraction

Indonesia foresters hope Garuda poachers turn gamekeepers

In Vietnam, farmers show a willingness to work with the elephant in the room

Mongabay founder wins prestigious 2022 Heinz Award for the Environment

Europe moves to protect deep-sea sites in Atlantic from bottom fishing

‘South Asia needs its own tiger plan’: Q&A with Nepal’s Maheshwar Dhakal

Stamping out invasive species has successful track record on islands, study finds

Small conservation areas provide large benefits for biodiversity (commentary)

Jumbo task as Malawi moves 263 elephants to restock a degraded national park

A utopia of clean air and wet peat amid Sumatra’s forest fire ‘hell’

Wildlife ‘rehabbers’ wage herculean fight for a noble cause

White rhino conservation project attempts paradigm shift by including local community

In world convulsed by climate-driven conflict, are peace parks an answer?

Community-based seed banks in Nepal help conserve native species

In restoring polluted rivers, Indonesia looks at restocking endemic fish

Traditional communities rally behind ecotourism to conserve their forests

In Brazil’s semiarid region, agrivoltaics show promise for food, energy security

Return of the king? Pakistan moves to bring gharials from Nepal to its rivers

Disappointment and a few wins, Indigenous leaders react to Nairobi biodiversity talks

U.N. Ocean Conference ends with promises. Is a sea change coming?

Parrots of the Caribbean: Birding tourism offers hope for threatened species

Room to roam: Biologists and communities create corridors for jaguars in Mexico

Smart Parks, the Dutch technologists tackling poaching with technology

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