Amazon destruction News

1155 stories

A wild life studying the Amazon: Q&A with author Tim Killeen

Book: A perfect storm in the Amazon

World Bank: Brazil faces $317 billion in annual losses to Amazon deforestation

A Twitter bot tracks meat production in the Brazilian Amazon

Logging permit threatens Quilombola bioeconomic ‘paradise’ in the Amazon

‘Many features of the Amazon are man-made’: Q&A with archaeologist Eduardo Neves

A frontline view of the fight against illegal mining in Yanomami territory

Mouth of the Amazon oil exploration clashes with Lula’s climate promises

‘I’ll keep fighting’: Indigenous activist and Goldman winner Alessandra Munduruku

Professional services abound for Amazon land grabbers seeking legitimacy

‘Don’t buy Brazilian gold’: Q&A with Indigenous leader Júnior Hekurari Yanomami

Report sums up Bolsonaro’s destruction legacy and Amazon’s next critical steps

‘Gold library’ helps Brazil crack down on Amazon’s illegal mining

Can a new regional pact protect the Amazon from environmental crime? (commentary)

Brazil tackles illegal miners, but finds their mercury legacy harder to erase

Make it local: Deforestation link to less Amazon rainfall tips activism shift

Lula government scrambles to overcome Yanomami crisis, but hurdles remain

Yanomami crisis sparks action against illegal gold in the Amazon

In Brazil, criminals dismantle one of the best-preserved swaths of the Amazon

France seeks EU okay to fund biomass plants, burn Amazon forest to power Spaceport

The $20m flip: The story of the largest land grab in the Brazilian Amazon

US pledges Amazon Fund donation, renewing hope for the rainforest

Mapping of no-drill areas in Ecuador’s Amazon can be scaled for entire rainforest: Study

Lula’s government must go far beyond undoing Bolsonaro policies on Amazon forest & Indigenous rights (commentary)

Amazonian countries must act together to reverse rainforest loss, experts say

JBS is accused of misleading investors with suspicious green bonds

Violence in Brazil’s Amazon are also crimes against humanity, lawyers tell international court

Q&A: Climatologist Carlos Nobre’s dream of an Amazon Institute of Technology

Dammed, now mined: Indigenous Brazilians fight for the Xingu River’s future

Deforestation ‘out of control’ in reserve in Brazil’s cattle capital

Weakening of agrarian reform program increases violence against settlers in Brazilian Amazon

From deforestation to restoration: Policy plots path to Amazon recovery

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