87 stories

Brazil’s big push for tropical forest funding gets support for 2025 debut

Brazil sets a date to remove illegal miners from Munduruku land, more details await

Delays in land titling threaten the conservation success of quilombos in Brazil

Experts aim to protect one of Brazil’s giant emblematic tree species

How to reward tropical forest conservation: Interview with Tasso Azevedo

Detailed NASA analysis finds Earth and Amazon in deep climate trouble

Son of slain Quilombola leader will still strive for community’s rights

Study confirms surge in deforestation in Indigenous lands under Bolsonaro

Majority of Brazil’s Congress votes to restrict Indigenous land advances

Brazil’s President Lula recognizes six Indigenous lands, and says more to come

Indigenous Amazon forests absorb noxious fumes and prevent diseases from wildfires, study suggests

Lula government scrambles to overcome Yanomami crisis, but hurdles remain

Amazonian countries must act together to reverse rainforest loss, experts say

Blue jeans: An iconic fashion item that’s costing the planet dearly

Habitat loss, climate change send hyacinth macaw reeling back into endangered status

Brazil bill seeks to redraw Amazon borders in favor of agribusiness

Sustainable fashion: Biomaterial revolution replacing fur and skins

Pharmaceutical water pollution detected deep in the Brazilian Amazon

From Wall Street to the Amazon: Big capital funds mining-driven deforestation

Chemical defoliants sprayed on Amazon rainforest to facilitate deforestation in Brazil

Fashions to die for: The fur trade’s role in spreading zoonotic disease

Guarani Indigenous men brutalized in Brazilian ‘expansion of violence’

Big dream: NGO leads in creating 1,615-mile Amazon-Cerrado river greenbelt

European public roundly rejects Brazil trade deal unless Amazon protected

Lack of protection leaves Spain-size swath of Brazilian Amazon up for grabs

As Amazon deforestation hits 12 year high, France rejects Brazilian soy

As fire season ends, Brazil cited for failed Amazon and Pantanal policies

Brazil moves toward transfer of deforestation and fire monitoring to military

Friday night follies: Brazil cuts deforestation funding, then restores it

Pioneer study maps regions of Amazon tree flora and may help in future efforts at species conservation

As Amazon tree loss worsens, political pressure grows, and Brazil hedges: Critics

Brazil dismantles environmental laws via huge surge in executive acts: Study

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