Amazon destruction News

1147 stories

EU bill and new green policies spur progress on Brazil’s cattle tracking

Infrastructure in the Pan Amazon: Waterway options

Meatpacking giant and Amazon deforester JBS bid for NYSE listing challenged

In the Amazon, global competition drives bulk transport systems

The future of hydropower in the Pan Amazon

Brazil cap-and-trade carbon framework in sight, but agriculture gets a pass

Hydropower in the Pan Amazon: An overview of the private energy sector in Ecuador and China’s role

Hydropower in the Pan Amazon: A look at the private energy sector in Peru

Hydropower in the Pan Amazon: Bolivia seeks an energy export model

How the Amazon’s ‘greatest devastator’ sold cattle to a Carrefour supplier 

Hydropower in the Pan Amazon: Río Trombetas and Calha Norte

Hydropower in the Pan Amazon: The Tapajós Basin and the prevalence of Indigenous rights

Hydropower in the Pan Amazon: Belo Monte and the Río Xingu

A tale of two biomes as deforestation surges in Cerrado but wanes in Amazon

The deceptions of the Amazon Summit in Belém (commentary)

Hydropower in the Pan Amazon: The Madeira Hydropower Complex

Hydropower in the Pan Amazon: Tucuruí and the Tocantins Cascade

Can upcoming referendum in Ecuador stop oil drilling in Yasuní National Park?

Amazon Summit nations agree on saving rainforest — but not on conservation goals

Hydropower in the Pan Amazon: The Guri complex and the Caroni Cascade

Brazilian authorities launch probe into ‘Amazon’s largest single deforester’

Hydropower in the Pan Amazon: A shift toward reduced impact facilities, but the controversy continues

Oil palm and balsa plantations trigger deforestation in Ecuadorian Amazon

Amazon Summit sparks hope for coordinated efforts from the rainforest nations

Infrastructure in the Pan Amazon: The Guiana Shield and the Coastal Plain

Infrastructure in the Andean Amazon: The Carretera Marginal de la Selva

The Andean republics of the Pan Amazon

The Human-Modified Landscapes (HML) and the Brazilian highway network

Roads are primary vectors of deforestation in the Pan Amazon

Infrastructure defines the future: Chapter 2 of “A Perfect Storm in the Amazon”

Despite lawsuit, Casino Group still sells beef from Amazonian Indigenous territory

Current policy approaches in the Amazon: certainly necessary, but are they sufficient?

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