Best of 2012 – Borneo frog

Tree frog in Borneo. Photo by Rhett A. Butler For the month of December, I'll be posting some of my favorite pictures from 2012. All of these photos were taken…

Introducing the ‘Obama-fish’

Scientists discover new fish, name it after Obama The Spangled Darter (Etheostoma obama) from Tennessee is named after President Barack Obama. Illustration by Joe Tomelleri Scientists have named five newly…

World has lost half its wetlands

A cow stands in Brazil's Pantanal, the world's largest wetland which is threatened by cattle ranching and agriculture. In 2006 it was announced that 17 percent of the Pantanal had…

China and India plan 818 new coal plants

Surface coal mining in Bihar, India. Around 70-80 percent of India's power is currently provided by coal. Even as the clamor to reduce greenhouse gas emissions reaches a new high—echoed…
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