Epidemic hits Amazonian indigenous group

An epidemic, suspected to be malaria, has struck down dozens of people of the Yanomami tribe in the Venezuelan Amazon, reports the Associated Press. Leaders of the three impacted village…

Video: Biodiversity gets a boost

Biodiversity conference closes Speaking at the UN's biodiversity meeting in Nagoya, Japan, actor Harrison Ford criticized the failure of the United States to sign the Convention for Biological Diversity. The…

The march to extinction accelerates

A fifth of the world's vertebrate species (i.e. mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, and fish) are threatened with extinction, according to a massive new study by the International Union for the…

Tsunami strikes Indonesia

A tsunami has killed more than 100 people in Indonesia following an earthquake on the same fault line that triggered the massive 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami. The 7.7-magnitude earthquake sent…

Pictures: Indonesian New Guinea

Indonesian New Guinea is one of the planet's last frontiers: rugged mountains and rainforests conceal untold numbers of species and hundreds of cultures. But these forests—especially in the province of…

Amazon suffers worst drought in decades

The worst drought since 1963 has created a regional disaster in the Brazilian Amazon. Severely low water levels have isolated communities dependent on river transport. Given a worsening situation, Brazil…
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