Ocean acidification News

134 stories

Fish find it harder to smell in acidic oceans, study finds

Acidifying oceans a bad trip for marine ecosystems

Can marine reserves help counteract climate change?

Economic impacts of climate change on global fisheries could be worse than we thought

Ecuador begins pumping oil from famed ITT-block in Yasuní

Ocean warming is “greatest hidden challenge of our generation,” according to IUCN

Could kelp forests keep ocean acidification at bay?

Soil carbon could be key to protecting global biodiversity and climate at same time

2015’s top 10 developments for the ocean

Scientists say frozen methane deposits off the coast of the US Pacific Northwest might be melting

Good news! Some corals show surprising resilience to ocean acidification

Arctic Ocean acidifies, threatening food web and major fisheries

Chemical clues in fossil shells may help us understand today’s ocean acidification

Fishing industry could lose up to $41 billion due to climate change

Empty seas? Scientists warn of an industrialized ocean

‘We are running out of time’: CO2 concentrations in the atmosphere surprise scientists

Extreme cold and drought in U.S. linked to climate change

Underwater horrors: shells of marine life melting off the coast of the U.S.

Apocalypse now? Climate change already damaging agriculture, acidifying seas, and worsening extreme weather

Corals thriving despite acidified conditions in remote Pacific bay

Ocean acidifying 10 times faster than anytime in the last 55 million years, putting polar ecosystems at risk

Global warming could upset Antarctic food chain

Governments should respond to ocean acidification ‘as urgently as they do to national security threats’

Bad feedback: ocean acidification to worsen global warming

Google Earth presents fish-eye view of coral reefs

Ocean acidification pushing young oysters into ‘death race’

Pacific islanders are the ‘victims of industrial countries unable to control their carbon dioxide emissions’

Animals dissolving due to carbon emissions

World Bank: 4 degrees Celsius warming would be miserable

Threatened Galapagos coral may predict the future of reefs worldwide

Coral calcification rates fall 44% on Australia’s Great Barrier Reef

Earth’s ecosystems still soaking up half of human carbon emissions

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