Ocean acidification News

134 stories

Seven new species of deep sea coral discovered

Nemo at risk from CO2 emissions? Ocean acidification may hurt baby fish

Fish may help fight ocean acidification

Ocean acidification is killing the Great Barrier Reef

Climate change, ocean acidification may doom jumbo squid

Climate change will transform the chemical-makeup of the ocean

Tropical ocean dead zones could increase 50 percent by 2050

Group may sue EPA under Clean Water Act to address ocean acidification

Stopping ocean acidification would save billions of dollars in revenue

Effects of ocean acidification will come 30 years earlier than expected

Geoengineering schemes need ranking system to avoid wasting money, destroying the planet

U.S. pledges $40M toward coral reef conservation.

‘Safe’ CO2 level may destroy the fishing industry, wreck reefs

The long-ignored ocean emergency and what can be done to address it

Ocean acidification may hurt reproduction in marine life

Climate change will increase the erosion of coral reefs

1/3 of corals face extinction

U.S. coral reefs in trouble

Good news for reefs: giant coral structure found off Brazil

CO2 emissions could doom fishing industry

Ocean acidification worse than expected, threatens sea life

Photos of bizarre creatures discovered in Antarctica

Why are oceans at risk from global warming?

How will global warming affect marine food chains?

Scientists suggest new geological epoch: ours

Global warming will degrade 98% of coral reefs by 2050

Ocean CO2 collector could fight global warming and ocean acidification

Global warming is melting soft corals

CO2 emissions cause ocean acidification, threaten sea life

Environmentalists may use Endangered Species Act to pressure gov’t on global warming

Industrial pollution acidifies ocean, threatens marine animals

Ocean acidification monitoring system launched

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