Habitat loss News

1011 stories

The isolated tapirs of the Atlantic Forest face an uncertain future

Refuge of endangered ‘African unicorn’ threatened by mining, poaching, deforestation

Drone photography raises concerns for Sri Lanka’s flamingo flock

The small cats nobody knows: Wild felines face intensifying planetary risks

Air pollution makes it tough for pollinators to stop and smell the flowers

New assessment finds dragonflies and damselflies in trouble worldwide

Can ecotourism save Cambodia’s ‘ghost parks’?

Endangered wildlife face perilous future as vital habitat loses protection in Cambodia

How a ‘dirty gambling company’ may have set the standard for habitat destruction in Cambodia

Even degraded forests are more ecologically valuable than none, study shows

Polluting with impunity: Palm oil companies flout regulations in Ecuador

Community in Ecuador punished for trying to stop alleged palm oil pollution

A royal release: Cambodia returns 51 rare turtles to the wild

‘A bigger deal than it sounds’: Coconut crabs are vanishing, island by island

Despite sanctions, U.S. companies still importing Myanmar teak, report says

Wild release marks return of giant forest tortoises to Bangladesh hills

Dual pressures of hunting, logging threaten wildlife in Myanmar, study shows

Endangered chimps ‘on the brink’ as Nigerian reserve is razed for agriculture, timber

Agricultural frontier advances in Nicaraguan biosphere reserve

How can illegal timber trade in the Greater Mekong be stopped?

‘Rampant forest destruction’ wracks reserve as cattle ranching advances in Brazilian Amazon

‘Unprecedented’ fires in Madagascar national park threaten livelihoods and lemurs

How does political instability in the Mekong affect deforestation?

Slashed forest protections ignites land grabbing frenzy in Brazilian Amazon

Decline of threatened bird highlights planning importance of bison releases

Indonesian peat restoration has more benefits than it costs, study finds

Tigers, jaguars under threat from tropical hydropower projects: Study

Restoring coastal forests can protect coral reefs against sediment runoff: Study

‘Our land, our life’: Okinawans hold out against new U.S. base in coastal zone

Forests for sale: How land traffickers profit by slicing up Bolivia’s protected areas

Report: Orangutans and their habitat in Indonesia need full protection now

In Sumatra, a snare trap costs a baby elephant her trunk, then her life

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