Green design News

88 stories

As Kathmandu’s birds get used to humans, biodiversity suffers, studies show

Crud-to-crude: The global potential of biofuels made from human waste

Hawaiian communities restore Indigenous conservation, from mountains to sea

Sustainable fashion: Biomaterial revolution replacing fur and skins

Innovative sewage solutions: Tackling the global human waste problem

Bold sustainability commitments: An interview with Microsoft’s Lucas Joppa

Can an art museum drive sustainability? Q&A with MOCA’s Klaus Biesenbach

As opposition wanes, a Malaysian land reclamation project pushes ahead

Architects bring bamboo revival to Indonesian village

A civic outcry in Malaysia forces a Chinese builder to live up to its eco-friendly tag

A bold design for conservation

Can ’boutique capitalism’ help protect the Amazon?

Is El Niño back?

New glass could reduce one billion annual bird deaths from U.S. window collisions

Universal phone charger to cut e-waste

Obama pick supports ‘Green Jobs’ initiative to rebuild economy

Discovery may lead to organic acrylic glass made from sugar

Green New Deal will spark global economy, create jobs

Financial crisis could pave way for greener economy inspired by nature

Company that turns CO2 into eco-friendly plastic gets new CEO

Challenges of starting a green business

Big computer makers pitch energy efficiency to sell more services, equipment

Algae could yield 30 times more biofuel than soybeans, while cleaning the environment

Breakthrough in solar energy: ten times more effective solar power may be available in three years

Whale biomimicry inspires better wind turbines

Future cities will be more like ecosystems that enrich society and the environment

Amazon farming technique may fight global warming

New plastics dervied from CO2 emissions could fight global warming

Gecko-inspired adhesive tape could improve recovery from surgery

Nike to launch “green” eco-shoe

Carbon tax would make China greener and reduce warming risks

Staples dumps Asia Pulp & Paper over its destruction of virgin rainforests

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