57 stories

For Earth Day: climbing a redwood tree

Forests under fire: Australia’s imperiled south west

Future cities will be more like ecosystems that enrich society and the environment

World’s bluest lizard headed toward extinction?

Traditional customs pit young versus old in Indonesia’s Torajaland

NAND PCs may have environmental benefits over standard hard disk PCs

Shift from hard drives to flash may have environmental benefits

Invasive purple flower impacts Iceland’s biodiversity

Venture Capitalists, China and Green Technology

Taking Care of Business: Diapers Go Green

China Faces Water Crisis — 300 million drink unsafe water

Tsunami relief risks rainforest destruction

Demise of passenger pigeon linked to Lyme disease

Pre-Columbian Amazon supported millions of people

Africa Heats Up — climate change threatens future of the continent

Dubai’s artificial islands have high environmental cost

Brazil’s grasslands could replace food production of American heartland

Africa seeks bioengineered solutions to food crisis

‘Noodling’ or catching giant catfish with your hands now legal in Georgia

Saving the Amazonian Rainforest Through Agricultural Certification

The Great Noodling Experiment: Hand-fishing for giant catfish now legal

China’s Imminent Water Crisis

Recordings of coral reef sounds attract fish

Tsunami relief, rainforest attack; aid groups conflict over deforestation and reconstruction

Vampire Fish discovered in the Amazon

Somewhere Out There, Millions of Species Await Discovery

Genetically modified agriculture and bioengineered food gains ground

Project seeks to understand human origins and migration

indigenous people oppose National Geographic, IBM project

Genographic Project stirs controversy

For What It’s Worth: Ecological Services and conservation

Circumventing Washington: Corporate America and activists bypass the White House

News and Inspiration from Nature's Frontline.

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