Birds News

1282 stories

Online trade in Philippine hornbills threatens birds and forests

A thriving online market for wild birds emerges in Bangladesh

‘Catastrophic breeding failure’ for penguins as Antarctic sea ice vanishes

When it rains, it pours: Bangladesh wildlife trade booms during monsoon

Study: Tall trees and shade boost bat diversity on Africa’s cocoa farms

Has the Buddha’s legacy in Nepal helped save sarus cranes?

Fair winds or fowl: Clean energy clashes with conservation in Brazil’s Caatinga

Falcon trafficking soars in Middle East, fueled by conflict and poverty

To safeguard a rare Brazilian woodpecker, an NGO bought out its habitat

Photos: Sri Lanka’s Kalametiya lagoon draws tourists to see native and migrant birds

‘What we need to protect and why’: 20-year Amazon research hints at fate of tropics

Sheep offer a livelihood for Kenyan farmers, and a lifeline for a rare bird

S. Africa to purge bird-eating mice from key albatross breeding island

Birds and bats help Peruvian cacao farmers gain higher yields, study says

Bangladesh’s ‘bird restaurant’ serves up snacks with a side of conservation

Penguins ‘enrich our lives’: Q&A with Pablo Borboroglu, protector of penguins

Climate warming alters offspring production of birds, study shows

Woodpeckers for fire recovery? A new online tool tells you how

Nepal’s hydropower boom is killing birds via power lines

One left: British Columbia’s last chance on northern spotted owls

Fewer migratory birds stopping at key Bangladesh wetland amid human disturbances

Trapping holds back speed of bird recovery in a Sumatran forest, study shows

Seabird conservation mostly works, comprehensive new data set shows

Bangladesh’s vultures still threatened by poison despite conservation actions

The more degraded a forest, the quieter its wildlife, new study shows

Feathered forecast: Tech tools comb weather data for bird migrations

What’s black and white and spins? Wind turbines that don’t kill birds

Jashodhon Pramanik: The farmer guardian of birds in Bangladesh

For Argentina’s ruddy-headed goose, threats grow while population shrinks

New map boosts Philippine eagle population estimate, but highlights threats

Study confirms Bolivian Indigenous park as stronghold for horned curassow

‘Plasticosis’: the new disease killing seabirds and likely many other species

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