11 stories

It’s a bird… It’s a plane… It’s a killing field at Brazil’s airports

As Brazil ramps up rail projects, wildlife kills remain understudied

As roads and railways threaten primates, Brazil is a global hotspot

For wildlife on Brazil’s highways, roadkill is just the tip of the iceberg

Brazil’s Mato Grosso do Sul mobilizes to reduce wildlife massacre on its roads

Meet the fishing jaguars that have made this patch of the Pantanal their own

In Brazil’s wildlife care centers, struggles and successes go unseen

In fight against wildlife trafficking, Brazil police turn to nuclear science

Cerrado’s maned wolves, squeezed by humans, may be picking up mange from dogs

Patches of Amazon untouched by humans still feel impact of climate change

Brazil’s blue macaws, golden lion tamarins back in traffickers’ sights

News and Inspiration from Nature's Frontline.

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