How rainforest shamans treat disease

Physician Christopher Herndon explores how Amazon shamans diagnose and treat disease. Ethnobotanists, people who study the relationship between plants and people, have long documented the extensive use of medicinal plants…

Global warming threatens desert life

There have been numerous studies showing how climate change is impacting a variety of environments—from the Arctic to coral reefs to alpine—but how could a warmer world damage deserts, already…

Saving the world’s rarest wolf

Saving the Ethiopian wolf in face of habitat loss, diseased dogs, and climate change, an interview with Claudio Sillero-Zubiri, founder of the Ethiopian Wolf Conservation Programme. Living on the roof…

Peat emissions data by country

A new study by Wetlands International and Greifswald University (The Global Peatland CO2 Picture [PDF]) provides country-by-country data on peat stocks and emissions. Overall the assessment found that drainage of…