Trees News

551 stories

Digitizing 6 million plant specimens: Interview with Gunter Fischer & Jordan Teisher

Brazil’s ‘innovative’ reforestation agenda discussed in Davos (commentary)

In Bangladesh, a botanist brings quick, fun lessons to social media

Experts question benefits of Colombian forestation project led by top oil trader

Trees live out their lives in surprising ways, massive new study finds

How are mangrove restoration projects doing? Interview with Tom Worthington

In a Noah’s Ark move, PNG migrants bring thousands of trees to safer ground

Hopes and fears for the Amazon: Interview with botanist Hans ter Steege

Brazil researchers boost timber traceability with new chemical analysis

Defending the hidden forest gems of Zambia’s Copperbelt Province

COP16: ‘A fund unlike any other’ will pay tropical nations to save forests

Thailand’s budding mangrove restoration plans spark both hope and concern

Experts call for urgent action as invasive species threatens Brazil mangroves

To save endangered trees, researchers in South America recruit an army of fungi

Successful Thai community-based hornbill conservation faces uncertain future

Meet the Miombo, the largest forest you’ve never heard of

A one-time illegal logger grows back a forest for his people in Sumatra

Rio’s grassroots agroforestry sustains birds, bees & communities

Amazon Fraud 101: How timber credits mask illegal logging in Brazil

Resilient giants: How the world’s oldest trees stand tall against climate change (commentary)

Time for a copal comeback? The natural resin could boost Amazon’s economy

Are the Amazon’s biggest trees dying? Forest coroners investigate

Protecting Nigeria one child & one tree at a time: Interview with Doyinsola Ogunye

Study finds best plants for bee health and conservation in North America

Beekeeping helps villagers tend coastal forests in Thai mangrove hotspot

Experts aim to protect one of Brazil’s giant emblematic tree species

Water is key as study shows restoration of drained tropical peat is possible

Can Vietnam’s forests survive the spread of acacia and eucalyptus plantations? (commentary)

Campesinos bring life back to a deforestation hotspot in the Colombian Amazon

Innovative Nepali PSA seeks emotional connection to save red pandas

New database unveils the role of Asian hornbills as forest seed dispersers

Fishers, scientists restore mangroves on a Mexican isle wrecked by salt mining

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