Slow loris News

16 stories

When “cute” is cruel: Social media videos stoke loris pet trade, study says

Primate-rich countries are becoming less hospitable places for monkeys, apes and lemurs

Watch video of baby slow loris born to mother rescued from wildlife traffickers

Pet trade’s “cute” and “adorable” label endangers the slow loris

‘Status symbols’: Japan emerging as major hub for illegal trade in slow lorises due to their popularity as pets

New campaign says ‘tickling is torture’ for slow lorises

When cute turns deadly – the story of a wildlife biologist who was bit by a venomous slow loris, and lived to tell the tale

Did the world’s only venomous primate evolve to mimic the cobra?

When the orangutan and the slow loris met – and no one was eaten

Lady Gaga gets bitten by venomous primate, sparking outrage over loris trafficking

Rihanna poses with endangered primate stolen from the wild

How YouTube has put the world’s only poisonous primates at risk

Loris champion: conserving the world’s most surprising primate family

Photographers threatening the already-abused slender loris

Slow lorises sold openly, illegally in Indonesia

‘Where’s my mama?’: campaign targets cruel slow loris pet trade [warning: graphic photo]

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