Sharks and rays News

87 stories

New evidence spells massive trouble for world’s sharks, rays and chimaeras

Clock ticks on Indonesia shark skinners as predator population plunges

A Mexican marine park shelters giant manta rays: Interview with Madalena Pereira Cabral

Shark fin consumption wanes in Thailand, yet demand persists, report shows

18 years on, how are sharks faring in French Polynesia’s shark sanctuary?

CITES halts Ecuador’s shark trade; trafficking persists amid lack of transparency

Study identifies species with a long history but short future amid threats

Summit on migratory species sides with science, throws shade on deep-sea mining

In East Java, social media push against Indonesia shark & ray trade lacks bite

DNA probe uncovers threatened shark species in Thailand’s markets

2023’s top ocean news stories (commentary)

‘Shark dust’ helps researchers ID threatened species in Indonesia fish trade

The ex-shark fishermen teaching schoolkids how to protect the environment

Congo’s waters are hotspot for endangered sharks & rays, reveals data from artisanal fishers

In Indonesia, ‘opportunistic’ whale shark fishery shows gap in species protection

Indonesian illegal shark and ray exports remain rampant amid poor monitoring

Sharks deserve our appreciation and protection (commentary)

Tangled in marine debris, skate egg cases dry up and die on Peruvian beaches

Several reef sharks at greater threat of extinction than thought, study shows

A Southeast Asian marine biodiversity hotspot is also a wildlife trafficking hotbed

Uterine implants and underwater ultrasounds aim to demystify shark births

‘Manta grid’ provides a ray of hope against industrial bycatch threat

Study: Paying fishers to ease off sharks and rays is cost-effective conservation

Good fisheries management, if enforced, can help sharks and rays recover

More than half of reef sharks and rays threatened with extinction, study shows

Sharks received landmark protection to combat fin trade, but the culling must stop (commentary)

Strong marine protected areas credited with manta ray surge in Indonesia

Landmark bill will ban the shark fin trade in the US

Shark-fishing gear banned across much of Pacific in conservation ‘win’

New protections for sharks, songbirds, frogs and more at CITES trade summit

No requiem for sharks just yet as nations push to protect species from trade

Greenland shark, world’s longest-living vertebrate, gets long-awaited protection

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