Russia News

189 stories

Restorasi lahan gambut menangkan dukungan dalam usaha pengurangan emisi karbon

12,000 Critically Endangered antelopes found dead

Peatlands restoration wins support in effort to reduce carbon emissions

United States has higher percentage of forest loss than Brazil

Sharks lose out at UN meeting

Massive methane leak in Arctic could trigger abrupt warming

Russian police raid environmental group working to protect Lake Baikal

Brazil: king of conservation, deforestation for the 2000s

Developed countries plan to hide emissions from logging

New report: boreal forests contain more carbon than tropical forest per hectare

Tiger success story turns bleak: poachers decimating great cats in Siberia

After declining 95% in 15 years, Saiga antelope begins to rebound with help from conservationists

Dangers for journalists who expose environmental issues

Russia’s plan to mine peatlands for energy could release 113 gigatons of carbon

Apple’s Snow Leopard helps real-life cats

Boreal forests in wealthy countries being rapidly destroyed

Russia pledges to raise carbon emissions to combat global warming

Wind could power the entire world

Caribou and reindeer population plunges 60 percent in three decades

Oil and gas bonanza discovered in the Arctic

Researchers catch, then release, world’s rarest big cat in Russia

How to Save Snow Leopards

Rare Amur leopard photographed for the first time with kill

Deepest-ever lake dive searches for new energy sources

Eight individuals of one of the world’s rarest cats caught on film

Threatened Amur tiger shows signs of recovery

First park established in Russian Far East

Rarest leopardess brutally killed in Russia

Less than 35 Amur leopard remain in the wild

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