Pollinators News

69 stories

Cities could help conserve pollinator communities

Latam Eco Review: Whale attacks, palm oil woes, and hope for vaquitas

Pesticides banned by EU for their potential harm to bees

Light pollution lures nighttime pollinators away from plants

Conservation leaders in Africa call for a crackdown on biopiracy

Bats key pollinators for durian production, camera traps confirm

Trump administration delays listing of rusty patched bumblebee as endangered

Rusty patched bumblebee now first bee to be listed as endangered in continental U.S.

China’s reforestation program a letdown for wildlife, study finds

Rising CO2 is reducing nutritional value of food, impacting ecosystems

The week in environmental news – Feb 26, 2016

Creating wild edges on fields boosts wildlife numbers and crop yield

Curb climate change or lose bumblebees, blueberries, tomatoes

Pollinator collapse could lead to a rise in malnutrition

Monarch butterfly population rises a little, but still perilously low

Two vanishing prairie butterflies added to the Endangered Species Act

Pollinators puzzle to find flowers amidst natural and human fumes

‘Stop using the bloody things’: pesticides linked to bee collapse now blamed for bird declines

More is better: high bee biodiversity boosts crop yields

Top 10 HAPPY environmental stories of 2013

Zoo races to save extreme butterfly from extinction

Florida declares two butterfly species extinct as pollinator crisis worsens

Habitat loss and pesticides causing decline in Europe’s butterflies

Losing just one pollinator species leads to big plant declines

EU labels another pesticide as bad for bees

U.S. loses nearly a third of its honey bees this season

Europe bans pesticides linked to bee collapse

Domesticated bees do not replace declining wild insects as agricultural pollinators

Common pesticides disrupt brain functioning in bees

EU pushes ban on pesticides linked to bee downfall

New study adds to evidence that common pesticides decimating bee colonies

After damning research, France proposes banning pesticide linked to bee collapse

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