Human wildlife conflict News

441 stories

Elephants, gorillas and chimps hold out in Cameroon’s largest protected landscape

Conservation corridors provide hope for Latin America’s felines

A deadly parasite turns jaguar conservation into a human health priority

‘Killed while poaching’: When wildlife enforcement blurs into violence

In 2024, Nepal faced old & new challenges after tripling its tiger population

‘Like you, I fear the demise of the elephants’

How German government funds are used to dispossess Tanzania’s Maasai in Serengeti land grab

In Colombia, a simple fencing fix offers a win-win for wildlife and ranchers

Relief in Sri Lanka as key threat to nonprotected forests is repealed

Paraguay’s pumas adapt, with some help, to a ranch-filled landscape

As Nepal counts its snow leopards, even the best estimate is still a guess

Search for new territory led Nepal’s ‘low-altitude’ snow leopard to get lost

West Africa’s forgotten felines endangered by conflict and research gaps

Caracal, meet penguin: How humans pushed unlikely predator and prey together

Nepal’s snow leopard conservation shifts focus from research to conflict mitigation

Follow the prey: How servals adapt to an industrialized landscape

For ranchers in Costa Rica, jaguars and pumas become unexpected allies

Amid haze of war, Lebanese activists helped turtle hatchlings journey to sea

Experts call for urgent leopard conservation efforts in Bangladesh

In Sri Lanka, election day is time for firecrackers — to ward off elephants

Sri Lanka completes first elephant census since 2011 amid uncertainty

Successful Thai community-based hornbill conservation faces uncertain future

Nepal’s buffalo-kills-tiger story reveals deeper pains in compensation system

Bangladesh introduces awareness initiatives to curb panic over Russell’s vipers

As human-elephant conflicts in Sumatra rise, so does risk from electric fences

‘A harmonious human-primate society’: Interview with Whitley winner Kuenzang Dorji

‘Explorer elephants’ in transfrontier conservation area offer solution to tree damage

Death of Umi sparks concern over electric threat to Sumatran elephants

Media must help reduce conflict between tigers and people in the Sundarbans (commentary)

Fear and hardship for the last community inside Chitwan, Nepal’s tiger central  

Elusive jaguarundi inspires biologists to share data across Latin America

Mysterious, at risk, understudied flat-headed cat lacks conservation focus

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