History News

48 stories

Forests and the Fate of Civilizations: A Conversation with John Perlin

Sumatra community school hands down ancient knowledge to modern generation

A short walk through Amazon time: Interview with archaeologist Anna Roosevelt

Ancient ocean water found in Himalayas could offer insights about evolution

Australia crackdown on climate protesters grows amid fight against gas project

What does the decline of natural history museums mean for biodiversity conservation? (commentary)

India cheetah births spark interest in fast felines in neighboring Nepal

Sulawesi hydropower dam could flood important archaeological sites

Book Review: ‘Slaves for Peanuts’ gets to the troubling roots of a beloved snack

Fossil evidence confirms persistence of prehistoric forests in Brunei

Study shows it took the Amazon as we know it over 6 million years to form

Saving our ‘Beloved Beasts’: Q&A with environmental journalist Michelle Nijhuis

Long entrenched Brazilian military mindset is key to Amazon policy: Expert

Amazonia’s people domesticated crops on ‘forest islands’ 10,000 years ago: Study

Indonesia’s Teater Potlot takes on the plight of the Sumatran tiger

Brazil mourns ‘incalculable loss’ in National Museum fire

Researchers are looking into the past to help ensure a future for tropical forests

Even cockroaches have personalities

New study argues the Anthropocene began in 1610

Brazilian indigenous populations grow quickly after first contact devastation

Pollution from fossil fuels decreased rainfall in Central America

It only took 2,500 people to kill off the world’s biggest birds

Genetic sleuthing reveals grisly details of historic whale hunting

In the shadows of Machu Picchu, scientists find ‘extinct’ cat-sized mammal

A garden or a wilderness? One-fifth of the Amazon may have been savannah before the arrival of Europeans

Requiem or recovery?: the Sumatran rhino 200 years after its description

Tapirs, drug-trafficking, and eco-police: practicing conservation amidst chaos in Nicaragua

Featured documentary: Damocracy, highlighting the battles over the Belo Monte and Ilisu dams

Humans killed over 10 percent of the world’s bird species when they colonized the Pacific Islands

Scientists nearly double the number of biogeographic realms

Elephant ancestors and Africa’s Bigfoot: new initiative works to preserve a continent’s wildest tales

Experts dispute recent study that claims little impact by pre-Columbian tribes in Amazon

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