Habitat degradation News

462 stories

Humans are biggest factor defining elephant ranges across Africa, study finds

Deforestation intensifies in northern DRC protected areas

FSC-certified Indonesian logger may have cleared orangutan habitat: Report

New palm oil frontier sparks scramble for land in the Brazilian Amazon

Deforestation rises in Colombia’s Chiribiquete National Park as cattle invade

Cerrado’s maned wolves, squeezed by humans, may be picking up mange from dogs

The singing apes of Sumatra need rescuing, too (commentary)

Forest patches amid agriculture are key to orangutan survival: Study

Cat corridors between protected areas is key to survival of Cerrado’s jaguars

Southeast Asian wild pigs confront deadly African swine fever epidemic

As the Amazon unravels into savanna, its wildlife will also suffer

Cambodian environmental activists reportedly arrested

Smallholder agriculture cuts into key Sumatran tiger habitat

Death by 1,000 cuts: Are major insect losses imperiling life on Earth?

6% of Earth’s protected land is used to grow crops, study finds

Indigenous Cacataibo of Peru threatened by land grabbing and drug trade

Deforestation spurred by road project creeps closer to Sumatra wildlife haven

Colombian and Ecuadorian Indigenous communities live in fear as drug traffickers invade

Cocaine production driving deforestation into Colombian national park

Historical data point to ‘imminent extinction’ of Tapanuli orangutan

For Sumatran elephant conservation, involvement of local people is key (commentary)

Industrial agriculture threatens a wetland oasis in Bolivia

Illegal deforestation rises in South America’s Indigenous territories, parks

Sighting of super rare Chacoan fairy armadillo in Bolivia ‘a dream come true’

Layers of regulations to protect European seas ‘not working,’ audit finds

One year on: Insects still in peril as world struggles with global pandemic

Philippine resort owner hit with environmental charges as Boracay cleans up

Chinese demand and domestic instability are wiping out Senegal’s last forests

Planned road projects threaten Sumatran rhino habitat, experts say

At-risk Cerrado mammals need fully-protected parks to survive: Researchers

For Amazon’s harpy eagle, nesting trees are also coveted for timber

Sumatran bridge project in elephant habitat may exacerbate degradation

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