Fish News

1505 stories

Mass salmon deaths hit Scottish farms as government investigates

Unchecked illegal trawling pushes Indonesia’s small-scale fishers to the brink

The world’s kelp needs help — less than 2% is highly protected

Researchers find microplastics for the first time in the Finnish Sámi waters

Underwater citizen science reveals the specter of ghost fishing in Thailand

Salmon farms under fire on U.S. East Coast after being shuttered on West Coast

Thai farmers demand action to restore ecosystems, compensate for invasive fish

2024’s top ocean news stories (commentary)

We need a North Pole Marine Reserve to secure a healthy future for Arctic waters (commentary)

New evidence spells massive trouble for world’s sharks, rays and chimaeras

Campaigners celebrate as firm making first-ever GMO fish ceases operations

After trial and error, Mexican fishers find key to reforesting a mangrove haven

Shipbreaking pollutes Türkiye’s coast despite European cleanup efforts

‘Shifting baselines’ in Cabo Verde after 50 years of declining fish stocks

Greater Mekong serves up 234 new species in a year, from fanged hedgehog to diva viper

First-of-its-kind crew welfare measure adopted at Pacific fisheries summit

Construction of Indonesia’s new capital sees port activity crowd out fishers

As Thailand’s blue swimming crabs decline, crab banks offer a sustainable solution

Traditional fishers in Peru guard the coast from illegal fishing

Women in Putumayo turn to fish farming and away from the coca industry

Researchers find high levels of mercury in Amazon’s Madeira River water & fish

Conservationists see progress for swordfish, problems for sharks at Atlantic fisheries summit

Leaders fail to address overfishing near Europe at ‘fraught’ international meeting

Overuse of antibiotics in Bangladesh aquaculture raises health concerns

Scottish salmon farms seek growth despite mounting fish deaths and environmental concerns

A Ramsar site in Bangladesh fast loses its fish diversity amid government inaction

A father and son duo fight invasive lionfish on a Honduran reef

Mapping ‘gloop and mud’ sheds light on seabed carbon storage

Coral biodiversity hotspot at risk from fossil fuel expansion, report warns

An ‘ocean grab’ for a property megaproject leaves Jakarta fishers grounded

Indonesia fisheries minister eyes aquaculture expansion under Prabowo

How a lineage of chiefs built a thriving fish oasis in Lake Malawi

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