33 stories

In Brazil, free-flight lessons help teach macaws to survive in the wild

As climate change shakes up global map of venomous snakes, health risks abound

Indigenous people in the Amazon are helping to build bridges & save primates

Large birds can boost forest carbon storage — if deforestation doesn’t interfere

Migratory Amazonian catfish placed on the international protection list

Study shows dire outlook for amphibians: 40% threatened with extinction

For Caatinga’s last jaguars and pumas, wind farms are the newest threat

Fair winds or fowl: Clean energy clashes with conservation in Brazil’s Caatinga

Years of pioneering work make Brazil the model for reintroduction of jaguars

Study attempts to foresee the future of Amazonian mammals if the rainforest turns into savanna

Multinational task force aims to save colorful rainforest frogs

Invisible destruction: 38% of remaining Amazon forest already degraded

Expedition reveals the amazing nocturnal fauna in the Amazon Rainforest

New voyage checks in on Darwin’s species, nearly 200 years after Beagle

Study warns of increased poaching if road through Brazil’s Iguaçu is reopened

New study offers answers for why tropical birds are more colorful

To secure a future for wildlife, look to their distant past, study says

The amazing — and unknown — diversity of insects living in the Amazon canopy

South America hosts nearly half of 9,000 tree species unknown to science

A more potent CO2 sink than the Amazon, Brazil’s mangroves remain overlooked

As temperatures rise, so does risk of kidney disease, study finds

Your açaí smoothie may be destroying floodplain forests in the Amazon

Fires in the Amazon have already impacted 90% of plant and animal species

Jaguar stronghold in Brazil’s Iguaçu Park threatened by road reopening plan

In a drier Amazon, Indigenous people recalibrate their relationship with fire

Lear’s macaws threatened by planned wind farm in Brazil, experts warn

Large-scale deforesters emboldened under Brazil’s Bolsonaro, data indicate

Bolsonaro govt wanted to ‘run the cattle’ through environmental protections. It was a stampede

Threats loom large over Amazon’s Arrau turtles, despite record number of hatchlings

Study reveals how species once extinct in the wild have bounced back

In search of the ‘forest ghost,’ South America’s cryptic giant armadillo

Prosecutors target Brazil’s environment minister over dismantling of protections

News and Inspiration from Nature's Frontline.

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