Environmental Philosophy News

Conservation’s people problem

Other stories in Mongabay's Conservation, Divided series: Part 1: Has big conservation gone astray? Part 2: How big donors and corporations shape conservation goals Part 3: Conservation today, the old-fashioned…

Conservation today, the old-fashioned way

Other stories in Mongabay's Conservation, Divided series: Part 1: Has big conservation gone astray? Part 2: How big donors and corporations shape conservation goals Part 4: Conservation's people problem Epilogue: Conservation still…

Has big conservation gone astray?

Other stories in Mongabay's Conservation, Divided series: Part 2: How big donors and corporations shape conservation goals Part 3: Conservation today, the old-fashioned way Part 4: Conservation's people problem Epilogue: Conservation…

Employing shame for environmental change

Shame's power: new book explores how shame can challenge environmental transgressors Chilean jack mackerel (Trachurus murphyi) are caught by a Chilean purse seiner off of Peru. Overfishing has become a…

Civilization shifting: a new leaderless era

Self-organizing networks and open-source ventures in the age of global disruption "The American Empire, and the global political economy it has spawned, is unraveling—not because of some far-flung external danger,…