Communication News

41 stories

How conservation photographer Cristina Mittermeier uses visual storytelling to inspire action

Project retraces Darwin’s voyage, educating young conservation leaders

The conservation sector must communicate better (commentary)

Mongabay wins prestigious 2023 Biophilia Award for Environmental Communication

Beyond ‘no,’ more positive visions for conservation need communication (commentary)

We need to show that planetary wins are possible, says Dax Dasilva

Will shipping noise nudge Africa’s only penguin toward extinction?

Tuning in to the world of nonhuman sound: Q&A with author Karen Bakker

Stingrays can ‘talk’ when they get riled up, new study suggests

Himalayan musk deer talk to each other through poop, but poachers are also listening

Jane Goodall’s Hopecast podcast features Mongabay founder

Project maps soundscape of human noise in northern Adriatic and impact on marine life

The queen sets the tone: Deciphering the dialects of naked mole-rats

Well, hello there: Glass frogs ‘wave’ to communicate near noisy waterfalls

Bringing color to conservation: a conversation with wildlife artist Morgan Richardson

Radio drama encourages Belizean fishers to follow the rules

Virtual Reality 360-degree video: An “empathy-generating machine” for conservation outreach?

Gorilla radio: Sending a conservation message in Nigeria

A monitoring network in the Amazon captures a flood of data

The iNaturalist species data sharing platform reaches one million users

Managing the data deluge: Twitter as a tool for ecological research

‘Better and better’: Thermal cameras turn up the heat on poachers

New study provides blueprint to translate satellite data into conservation action

Innovative ideas sought for new conservation tech prize

Global Forest Watch offers mapping and data visualization fellowships

Online network seeks to boost international collaboration against wildlife trafficking in Central Africa

One-stop shop for digital global maps launched

Crowdsourcing the fight against poaching, with the help of remote cameras

10 top conservation tech innovations from 2017

Combining computing power and people power to identify key deforestation hotspots

Measuring fish abundance through acoustics: spawning aggregations are key to improving fishery management plans

Story-telling app and website help communities improve their ‘backyards’

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