Biofuels News

378 stories

Dapatkah Pembayaran Konservasi Hutan Hancurkan Pertanian Organik?

Could forest conservation payments undermine organic agriculture?

EU’s biofuels target driving land grabs in Africa, says group

Minyak Kelapa Ramah Lingkungan Tiba di Amerika Serikat

Greener palm oil arrives in the United States

U.S. farms and forests report draws ire in Brazil; cutting down the Amazon does not mean lower food prices

Saving tropical forests helps protects U.S. agriculture, argues campaign

UE amanatkan standar lingkungan biofuel untuk lindungi hutan dan lahan basah

Foto-foto tunjukkan daerah mirip-surga untuk lokasi pembangkit listrik batu bara di Borneo

EU mandates biofuel environmental standards to protect forests, wetlands

Brazil luncurkan dorongan besar untuk minyak kelapa berkelanjutan di Amazon

India menjadi pembeli minyak kelapa terbesar

Photos reveal paradise-like site for coal plant in Borneo

Brazil launches major push for sustainable palm oil in the Amazon

Nestle’s palm oil debacle highlights current limitations of certification scheme

Pengembang Minyak Kelapa Merengsek Hingga Perbatasan Terakhir Indonesia: Papua

Conflicting signals out of Indonesia on whether palm oil plantations will be classified as forests

EU biofuels target will starve the poor, says anti-poverty group

Amazon rainforest will bear cost of biofuel policies in Brazil

EU: rainforests can be converted to palm oil plantations for biofuel production

UK failing to meet biofuel sustainability standard

Company seeks to log forest reserve for palm oil in Uganda

India becomes largest buyer of palm oil

Consumers should help pay the bill for ‘greener’ palm oil

Well-known climate change denialist labels activists in Copenhagen ‘Hitler Youth’

Efforts to slow climate change may put indigenous people at risk

Palm oil developers push into Indonesia’s last frontier: Papua

European companies not supporting ‘greener’ palm oil

Carbon accounting must not neglect emissions from bioenergy production and use

Palm oil both a leading threat to orangutans and a key source of jobs in Sumatra

Working to save the ‘living dead’ in the Atlantic Forest, an interview with Antonio Rossano Mendes Pontes

EU biofuels policy undermines governance in Indonesia, alleges report

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