Biofuels News

378 stories

Renewable sources could power 25% of U.S. energy needs by 2025

Add invasive species status to list of biofuel concerns

Genetically modified tree could be used for cellulosic ethanol biofuel

Biodiesel Moves to the Energy Mainstream

Biofuels can lead to deforestation says Unilever executive

Cellulosic ethanol fuels environmental concerns

Corn waste potentially useful for more than ethanol

Soybean biodiesel has higher net energy benefit than corn ethanol

New process makes fuel from simple sugar

Saving Orangutans in Borneo

Indonesia to have first biodiesel plant by 2008

Congress deals blow to bioenergy market

US has low-cost alternatives to oil; peak oil frenzy and human-induced climate change avoidable says Columbia University

Carbon savings from biofuels quantified

High oil prices fuel bioenergy push

Why is palm oil replacing tropical rainforests?

Scientists closer to understanding key to cellulosic biofuels

Greenpeace accuses McDonald’s of destroying the Amazon rainforest

Biofuels can replace about 30 percent of fuel needs

Ethanol more energy-efficient than oil, finds study

Eco-friendly palm oil coming soon, criteria could result in cleaner biofuels

Biofuels threaten rainforests as important European Commission decision lies ahead

High oil prices make Asia pursue green energy

China funds massive palm oil plantation in rainforest of Borneo

Renewable energy in China, a strategic future?

Food demand greater threat to wildlife than global warming

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