Atlantic forest News

101 stories

Tribe partners to protect Argentina’s most endangered forest

Invasive primates threaten Atlantic Forest natives

Expanding ethanol threatens last remnants of Atlantic Forest

Atlantic Forest stores less carbon due to drastic fragmentation

Loving the tapir: pioneering conservation for South America’s biggest animal

Taking corporate sustainability seriously means changing business culture

Destruction of Brazil’s most endangered forest, the Mata Atlantica, slows

Photos: the top ten new species discovered in 2010

Critically endangered capuchins make tools to gather termites

Dari Kamboja ke Kalifornia: 10 hutan yang paling terancam di dunia

New species of zombie-creating fungi discovered

From Cambodia to California: the world’s top 10 most threatened forests

Seven Brazilian bird species granted endangered status

Forest fragment climate not driven by edge-effect

2,700 sq km of Brazil’s most endangered rainforest destroyed in 8 years

Is Brazil’s Sustainable Development Really Sustainable?

U.S. signs debt-for-nature swap with Brazil to protect forests

Controversial changes to Brazilian forest law passes first barrier

Amazon and Atlantic Forest under threat: politicians press to dilute Brazil’s forestry law

New protected areas established in Brazil’s fragmented Atlantic Forest

When it comes to Yellow Fever, conserving howler monkeys saves lives

Finding forest for the endangered golden-headed lion tamarin

Working to save the ‘living dead’ in the Atlantic Forest, an interview with Antonio Rossano Mendes Pontes

Brazil may ban sugarcane plantations from the Amazon, Pantanal

Golden lion tamarins play key role in seed dispersal in Brazil’s Mata Atlantica

REDD shouldn’t neglect biodiversity say scientists

Destruction of Brazil’s most imperiled rainforest continues

Frogs can be used to predict biodiversity hotspots

Brazil moves to protect and restore endangered Atlantic rainforest

Brazil triples endangered species list

Rare golden primates help speed recovery of endangered Brazilian forest

No sacrifices to ending deforestation in the Amazon, only gains

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