Atlantic forest News

101 stories

Brazil sees growing wave of anti-indigenous threats, reserve invasions

Massive loss of mammal species in Atlantic Forest since the 1500s

Pleistocene climates help scientists pick out targets for conservation in Brazil’s forests

Carbon pricing could save millions of hectares of tropical forest: new study

Betting on agroforestry in Brazil’s Atlantic Forest

Dogs, dung, and DNA: mapping multi-species corridors to conserve threatened carnivores

Deforestation in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest increased almost 60 percent in the last year

In Brazil’s Atlantic Forest, conservation efforts drown in a sea of eucalyptus

62M ha of Latin American forests cleared for agriculture since 2001

Newly discovered Brazilian bird may number fewer than 10 individuals

Endangered forests shrink as demand for soy rises

Scientists reintroduce agoutis in rainforest in city of 12 million

New endangered bird species discovered in Brazil

Forest fragmentation’s carbon bomb: 736 million tonnes C02 annually

Saving the Atlantic Forest would cost less than ‘Titanic’

Only 15 percent of world’s biodiversity hotspots left intact

Will yellow fever drive brown howler monkeys to extinction in Argentina?

Scientists: well-managed forest restoration benefits both biodiversity and people

Odd porcupine hugely imperiled by hunting, deforestation

Scientists discover new cat species roaming Brazil

Forest fragmentation leading to higher extinction rates

Little NGO takes on goliath task: conserving the vanishing ecosystems of Paraguay

On guard: protecting wildlife in a heavily hunted Brazilian forest

Loss of big fruit-eating birds impacting trees in endangered rainforests

New insect discovered in Brazil, only third known in its bizarre family (photos)

New species tree-dwelling porcupine discovered in critically threatened Brazilian habitat

Nest of one of world’s rarest birds discovered for the first time

Recovery of Atlantic Forest depends on land-use histories

Endangered muriqui monkeys in Brazil full of surprises

Happy Halloween: nine new species of tree-climbing tarantula discovered

Key mammals dying off in rainforest fragments

Deforestation in Brazil’s Mata Atlantica drops

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